Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discussion Board Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board - Case Study Example In other words, Cole and Driscoll acknowledge that philosophy alone cannot revolutionize the mindset of a church organization when practice and identifiable roles are lacking. Another interesting similarity involves the impact of roles on leaders especially when they are imparting philosophical objectives upon the followers. Unlike Driscoll’s On Church Leadership that is often guided by religious doctrines and mores, organic contexts are free of dogmas. Therefore, both writers note that religious and secular settings should not hinder the nurturing of new leaders within the church. Alternatively, in organic leadership, according to Cole, mentors and re-energizes the follower by creating new practices and philosophies (Cole, 2009). Driscoll argues that church management is often hindered by lack servant leadership and succession plans by pastors. Interestingly enough, the writers might join hands in streamlining the ministry through recruitment of new followers dedicated to becoming leaders. This is through the empowerment of others as a key step toward enhancing the overall leadership vacuum. It implies that leadership debate by the two writers dem onstrates the shifting demographics determined mostly mentorship programs and strategic servant

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